Parents, Teachers and Well-wishers Celebrate Einstein Schools at 8

As Einstein Schools celebrated her 8th anniversary on the 5th of November 2021, parents, teachers and well-wishers celebrated this great institution with goodwill messages. Excerpts:

Ms Franca
Cheers to Little Einstein Academy and Einstein International Grade school.
You are a pace setter and a trailblazer.
Keep doing the good work.
Happy Anniversary. Cheers.

Mr Henry
Little Einstein is really a home away from home due to their care, kindness and contentment towards education. Happy 8th Anniversary.

Mr Elijah
Congratulations Einstein on your 8th year. I pray you continue to grow and reach the height you were created to reach. HAPPY Anniversary!

Ms Josephine
Congratulations LEMA @8!
More wins.

Nurse Chidinma
A very big congratulations to our great Little Einstein Montessori Academy and Einstein International Grade School. Greater heights and keep doing good works. HAPPY Anniversary!

Ms Lilian
Wow! just like we say in the anthem a home away from home. You know dreams actually come true here.
God bless LEMA! God bless the land! Congratulations LEMA.

Ms Debby, HOS
Your skills lead you to your goal always. The charming personality and unconditional confident make all your dreams true. You find good things in bad ones, which only a few people can do and you deserve many achievements in your life. Congratulations Ma’am.

Ms Mercy
A very big congratulations to you LEMA at eight.

Ms Lola
Being part of the team that makes up LEMA has been an amazing and highly impactful experience for me. I won’t trade it for anything in the world.
I celebrate and identify with LEMA as we clocked 8 years.

Ms Helen
Cheers to Little Einstein, indeed it’s a home away from home, I am so excited to be part of this great organization for it has really made me stronger and greater with wonderful experiences. I celebrate and love LEMA as we clock 8.

Ms Millicent
In as much as my stay at LEMA can still be described as relatively short, I make bold to say that I am happy to be a part of this team.
HAPPY Anniversary LEMA!

Ms Rophina
I celebrate this great organization for its postive impact on my career.
Being part of LEMA has indeed sharpened my understanding. Happy birthday LEMA.

Ms Priscilla
Working with LEMA has been amazing. Thanks for accepting me to be a part of this amazing school. HAPPY birthday LEMA.

Ms Uyo
Congratulations to LEMA at 8.
Working at LEMA has been a great journey.

Ms Chi
An amazing experience working with LEMA.
Happy birthday.

Ms Hannatu
I am glad to be a part of this family God bless.

Ms Hope
Congratulations on your 8 years anniversary.

Ms Favour
A very big congratulations to LEMA.

Mr David
Congratulations LEMA for been a year old today

Ms Safiya
Congratulations on your 8 anniversary.

Mr Anim
Happy 8 anniversary. God’s blessings to you.

Ms Uche
Healthy congratulations on your 8 and your relentless effort in enhancing the academy standard.

Ms Vivian
Happy anniversary LEMA.
More wins in unlocking geniuses.

Ms Joycelyn
Happy 8 anniversary LEMA.
A place of child’s centeredness, excellence, integrity, respect and service.

Mr Acho
I am delighted to extend my warm welcome to LEMA on her 8th anniversary celebration.
This is indeed a milestone to celebrate an institution loaded with good ideas pursued with energy intelligent and determination. Cheers happy celebration.

We are grateful to everyone for the support so far… Many more years of impact to come






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